Today is the day!

The countdown is over! {I remember when I still had this many days to go}. Today I depart my home state for another. My bag is packed and my list is all checked off.

I can’t explain my feelings. I’m nervous for the fact I won’t be seeing my family and friends for five and a half weeks, I’m nervous to catch a plane by myself for the first time and I’m nervous that I may leave something at home. On the other hand, I’m filled with excitment! Excitement for meeting Mr J at Sydney airport after his week in South Africa, excited to see Sydney for the first time, excited for a life time experience travelling to another country and seeing things I could only imagine, excited to skype back home to touch base, excited to learn more about God, myself and Mr J. Prayers would be very much appreciated, not only for safe travels for us and that nerves are calmed but also for family who are saying goodbye {for now}.

I know that I will miss my family and friends immensely and miss knowing that they are no more than half an hour away, but I’m also aware that this is going to be an experience to remember and God will be with us all the way.

Keep reading ‘Living Life Today’ to keep track of what we are up to. Things may become busy but I will try and update you as much as possible. You can also contact us on facebook and email as much as you wish! Love you all. Talk to you later, in another time zone.