Paintballing + Sleep

Since SAYCO, I’m still getting used to living on normal feelings compared to adrenaline. I’m also continuing to catch up on sleep. My two night shifts didn’t assist the sleep issue though… working midnight to six o’clock a.m made me feel like I had jet lag all over again. Hello grumpy Teagan! & that was only training so I’m prepared for more of them.

I finished the week off with some lovely people as we trekked to the middle of nowhere to play paintball. What a blast! After four games of shooting paint, hiding behind fences, forts and trees, laughing at each other and dressed in camouflage we came away with memories and a few bruises {I have one at least three times the size of a golf ball, while dad counted 17 bruises on his body!}. We drove another hour to Victor Harbour for lunch where the rain held off and God provided some beautiful sunshine for a picnic. Due to exhaustion many of us had a ‘shut-eye’ on the way home. Mum, Dad and I made scrummy home-made pizzas for dinner as we reminisced about our day. Thankyou Nan & Farnder for the voucher, thankyou Dad for paying and organising it too!

I’m Back

I’m back! I can’t believe it has been over a week since I have been able to sit on the laptop. The last week I have worked, partied, ate and met. I have worked more hours than I have for a very long time {nine and a half hours in one day was huge for me}. Mr J and I celebrated a beautiful girls 18th birthday, as well as a gorgeous couples engagement. We attended a meeting for this which is happening on the long weekend (& no, it’s not the AFL grand final – however, we will be getting updates). Then, last night three of us enjoyed Chinese for mum’s early bday present, while envying my brother who is in Queensland for 10 days. Lucky duck.

This morning I have admired the sunshine outside, satisfied my tastebuds, became very excited for camp this weekend, prepared my costume, praised God through music and am a little disappointed I can only do all of this for another hour before going to work, but thankful I could do it at all.

I look forward to sharing how the weekend goes. I pray that this sunshine stays around for us and you!

Living in sunshine, learning to live.

I mentioned what my day was like on Tuesday here. I spent the rest of that afternoon in the city exploring the Central Markets, reading in the sunshine at Victoria Square and eating samples from Charlesworth Nuts (dark chocolate macadamias are delish!) before catching a bus home with Mr J. Yesterday was normal, alarm > bus > work > bus > home. The bus for me at the moment is super, I’m enjoying reading my book, people watching and some ‘me’ time. Mr J says it may become old very soon though, what do the other bus catchers think? This morning I got a small sleep in, opened the blinds to the glorious sunshine and spent at least half an hour lying on the trampoline admiring the blue sky, warm breeze and hills scenery. It was glorious. Now, I’m leaving to learn how to keep people alive {first aid course}, followed by some calorie burning tonight on the netball court.

Thought for today:
Have you prayed about it as much as you have talked about it? Matthew 21:22

Prayer has been my strength lately.

A Catch Up

Time has flown, preventing me to get on any computer lately. Now I have some time in the Adelaide Library to relax in some quiet and fill you in on what I have been up to lately…

Yesterday {Thursday}, I found a new shop to add to my favourites. This shop has so many gorgeous things… it is these shops that excite me to have my own house and start to decorate! A few things have jumped onto by Christmas/birthday list from here. Friday wasn’t heaps exciting until late. I worked a five-hour shift before catching the bus home to pick up the keys for my week of house sitting. Then, Mum, Dad, my brother and I had a night out together. We were greeted by a humourous, fun waiter before enjoying Fasta Pasta for dinner. After a feast, together we experienced the atmosphere of the Adelaide Casino. Something different. I spent for designated $4 but found spectating more interesting. Saturday I drove to work, worked my shift and drove home with my window down, music on loud and some time to myself. The evening consisted of my netball presentation, hosted by two entertaining gentleman. The evening was set as a sporting program, “After the Game” where we watched grand final interviews, laughed at game faces and listened to live interviews. I was unaware I would be an interviewee until they announced my name. One of the questions that I was faced with was, “what is your favourite motor car?” to which I answered, “red ones.” {I wasn’t going to tell them that I only worked out Ford and Holden’s were different brands only a few years ago!}. The night ended with some laughs and a talk with Dad and Mr J. Sunday, I worked again but was very strict on finishing on time as I had to drive back home for an afternoon junior netball presentation. This was a time us coaches could boast about our team. I was extremely thankful to receive a massage/spa voucher from my girls along with beautiful flowers, chocolate and nuts. We were faced with many homemade, delicious food. It was a great afternoon. I was able to sit and talk to mum and dad that afternoon for a while before heading to Church and dinner. Monday {yesterday} I worked another lunch time shift, caught the bus and slept with Scooter the cat at the house i’m caring for.

It feels as though I haven’t stopped until now. It is now Tuesday. I was up at 6:00am this morning trying to revise for the STAT test which I sat this morning. It went for two hours. I answered all my questions, plus guessed a few and left the room praying that God will make everything sort out how he wants it too. This afternoon I have a bus waiting to take me home, and then I plan to do nothing other than relax tonight.

Some New Starts

The last couple of days have felt busy. I’ve moved around more than I have for a while. I had my first official shift as a sandwich artist on Tuesday, which was followed by another one on Wednesday. Thursday I have off. I’m thankful to be getting an income again but may take a while to settle in. Catching the bus has been a great experience and has given me time for reflection, prayer and reading. I almost feel as though I’m a pro bus catcher already!

Wednesday evening I trekked to my second Uni open day. After a tour, free sausage sizzle and chocolate I sat through three information sessions regarding teaching. Teaching early childhood, primary and middle. Decisions, decisions, decisions! This gave me more of an insight of my options, resulting with me changing my uni preferences. Still praying for direction but not stressing.

Today I have some freedom to catch up with a friend for lunch. We are going here. This afternoon I’m looking forward to talking to my co-coach and friend about speeches for our wind up and then Mr J and I drive to mixed netball late tonight.


Today I found a way that made five hours go faster than it has for a while. Using my leftover photos, tickets and collectibles from out trip, I scrap booked! Scrap booking is a great way to display photos and more. Hint: Use objects such as straw to stick on rather than just paper.. gives it another dimension. Now for my next project, {I still have photos to use up…}.

Thankyou Lord! For the glorious weather you have given us today.

Inspire #4

Success can be created from the assistance of a super attitude. & from experience. Sometimes the little things in our life can be just as important than the big things! These quotes cover that pretty well.

Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success. ~Swarni Sivananda

Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realise they were the big things ~ Robert Brault

Check out some more quotes here, here and here.

HAPPY FATHERS DAY! Today I enjoyed the little and big things. Mr J and I attended church in the morning  which was followed by a beautiful spring drive to a castle for lunch. Here we celebrated my grandmas 80th and were thankful for our fathers. My brother and I gave dad some of his favourite nuts which were almost gone by the evening {with something else on it’s way}. The night finished with Mr J’s relatives. Today taught me that I could fit in a weeks worth of food into my stomach in one day… it was good! Before bed I was inspired by this on tv. Tonight I had to hang one leg out of the covers due to warmth. Spring is here!

Inspire #2

I found out recently that life can be what ever YOU make it to be and your experiences come from whatever YOU chose to do. The following two quotes sum this up quite well.

Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.

The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts. ~ Marcus Aurelius Antonius

To see more quotes, go here and stay tuned for more to come!

Today I caught the bus into town with Mr J, attended a meeting, read this book in the library for two hours {this book is a massive inspiration also}, bought my father’s day gift, saw a cute cupcake van on the side of the road and then traveled back to Mr J’s house on the bus again after he finished work. We finished the day seeing my inspiration, my Dad receive life membership at our local football club over a 3 course meal. The award was very well deserved.

Inspire #1

Before Mr J and I left overseas in July, my parents gave me a book called, ‘Inspire,’ along with a note which said:

Every person has different expectations of the life they are living, and everyone is inspired by many different things and people in their life. You are no different. Live your life, love your life, be yourself.

This book travelled with me through the States and in Canada. It included 38 inspirational quotes that encouraged me to reflect on my experiences and seize the day. Some of these quotes were too good not to share. The next six days I will be sharing some of these quotes with you. Starting from today.

If you have, give. If you learn, teach. ~ Maya Angelou

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. ~Mark Twain

Shopping Exercises

I didn’t have time to walk today as I had a commitment in the city. However, I did get some exercise walking from shop to shop in Rundle Mall and Rundle Street. I found this store and this store which I could easily become a regular too. I got caught in the rain which meant I needed to spend a little extra time here. I’m not complaining! A few clothe purchases later I realised it was past my parking time expiry therefore I ran back to my car. I was relieved to see a clean windscreen once I got there – Thank you Lord!

It’s amazing to think that this time last week, Mr J and I were spending our first night back in Australia. I hope you have an exciting rest of the week.