
We all have down days. Days where things don’t go our way. Our self esteem is low & we get grumpy easier than normal. I had one today. Although Mr J and I had an enjoyable day hanging out here, my jeans didn’t fit and I snapped quickly. I may not be happy with myself but I know I have lots to be thankful for.

Thankful for my supportive, caring, reliable family at home. Immediate and extended. For encouraging me to do my best. {Including my friends that are just as much my family!}

Thankful for the reminder that God is the best decorator.

Thankful for this guy who let’s me be crazy, cry and laugh.

Thankful for photographs that never let memories expire.

Thankful for this song that reminds me of the people, experiences and days of Contiki

& thankful for images like this for inspiring me.

I’ve realised how important it is to remember the things you are thankful for rather than dwell on the negatives. Sometimes it’s hard. What are you thankful for?

5 thoughts on “Gratitude

  1. I am thankful that you are you. A beautiful daughter, sister, partner, friend.
    I am thankful to God who has given you this opportunity, given us you and He is bringing you home soon.
    I am also thankful for technology and your blog and everything you have shared with us here.
    Missing and loving you baby girl.
    Can’t wait to see all your photos and hear all your stories.

    • Love you mum and looking forward to sharing all the photos and stories with you too. Thankyou for your lovely words and I’m very thankful for the communication we have although I’m on the other side of the world. See you soon XXX

  2. One: BJ
    Two: our children and children-in-law
    Three: our grandchildren (and friends of those grandchildren)

    Quote from ‘A Little Bit of God in Every Day’
    ‘He (God) is ever aware of your circunmstances and ready to be your strength, your grace and your peace.’
    This is easy for me to write today as I have had a great weekend but know that tomorrow may be quite different.

    I pray this prayer for us all.
    Come to me, all you are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest…
    You will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. [Matthew 11:28-30

    Enjoy these last days of overseas memories. XX

  3. Pingback: Inspiration: Thankful Haiku… And A Help Request! | Mirth and Motivation

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