SAYCO 2012

SAYCO was creeping up fast. My shopping was successful as I completed my costume. My nails were painted and the countdown began! The day before camp, Mr J and I shopped for eight hours straight. We bought swimming pools, hair colour, super size baked beans and spaghetti, lollies, 50 cans of shaving cream and a similar amount of detergent, hundreds of water balloons and clothes to get messy. That was only the start.

Wow. What a super dooper, high energy, God praising, jumpalicious, boundary testing camp. I laughed more than I have for a long time. FUN {is only one of the thousand words that would describe it}. We met new friends and got closer to current ones, danced, moshed, sang and praised God, fought with shaving cream, flour and water, obstacle coursed with spaghetti and baked beans, listened to some moving messages, received grand final updates, got minimal sleep, chased a lolly man, exercised with bible aerobics, jumped into a photo booth, learnt about our true identities… all for our amazing, perfect father and best friend > GOD.

It has been two days since we departed the camp and I am still recovering. I am having slight SAYCO withdrawals and miss everyone like crazy but already looking ahead to next year. I’m finding glitter everywhere.

3 thoughts on “SAYCO 2012

  1. Day after day we open the paper and read sad and bad things – today I opened your blog and read great things about young people rejoying themselves: just look at the smiles on all those faces.

    Lorna Preston wrote:
    ‘Measure your wealth in smiles, in friendships, and in love-filled moments.
    What good is a bank account without these simple and everyday coins?’

    God bless you and Mr J and all the other leaders and participants! XX

  2. Pingback: Paintballing + Sleep | Living Life Today

  3. Pingback: Happy New Year! | Living Life Today

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